
Secrets To Get Bigger Calves – Best Exercises & Workout

bigger calves tips

It’s no secret that there are people born with large, attractive calves, while others must spend the majority of their life with lower legs that resemble twigs. The calves are one of the body’s muscles that are most resistant to growth, which can be very frustrating and discouraging.

In order to sufficiently stimulate the calves and notice a rise in growth, you must target them really hard. You won’t receive much benefit from regular exercise if you want larger calves.

But, not to worry! We’re here to show you what to do to get bigger calves! Instead of wasting days or weeks trying to figure out the appropriate solution, we provide you with it. All you need to do is read our article to find not only the best exercises for calves but also useful tips on getting bigger calves in no time! Let’s get started.


Top 7 Calf Exercises for Bigger Calves

1. Standing Calf Raise Machine

A standing calf raise machine is commonly performed in gyms. Make the most of it. If your gym doesn’t have one, grasping the handrail while wearing a weighted vest and standing on the edge of the steps is a fine alternative. The standing calf raise is demonstrated here:

  • Set the pad such that you can perform a loaded stretch at the base of the calf raise.
  • The balls of your feet should be on the edge of the platform while you stand with your legs straight
  • Drop your heels gradually to get a wide stretch
  • For 3 to 4 seconds, maintain the position
  • Squeeze the calves for two to three seconds at the apex of the upward phase
  • To engage the inner or outer gastrocnemius, turn your foot inside or outward

2. Single-Leg Standing Calf Raise

Single-Leg Standing Calf Raise

Your calves will be worked a lot using the single-leg variant. Start with your own weight and add a dumbbell as you gain strength. This is how you do it:

  • Find a ledge that is raised and has a handle you can grasp onto. A power rack and stairs are excellent choices
  • To maintain balance, stand with your foot’s ball on the edge and grab the rail with the hand opposite the leg
  • Slowly lower your heel and maintain a deep stretch for 3–4 seconds
  • Then, lift your heel and squeeze for two to three seconds at the top

3. Donkey Calf Raise

An old-school bodybuilding workout variation is the donkey calf raise. Of all the calf workouts, this one could be the one that activates the calf muscles the most. Although there is no correlation between muscular activation and muscle growth, higher activation could be a sign that the muscle will expand. This is how you do it:

  • Place some plates or an aerobic step close to a sturdy raised surface. Plates that will dangle between your legs can be loaded using a dip belt
  • Raise your hips up and down while keeping your knees slightly bent
  • To engage the inner or outer gastrocnemius, turn your foot inside or outward

4. Smith Machine Standing Calf Raise

Similar to the machine variety, the Smith machine standing calf raise involves extra setup. This is how you do it:

  • To maintain your heel off the ground while in the deep stretch posture, stack enough plates
  • Unrack the bar while keeping the ball of your foot on the edge of the plates
  • Slowly bring your heels down while maintaining a deep stretch for 3–4 seconds
  • Lift your heels and squeeze for two to three seconds at the top after pushing into the plates
  • To engage the inner or outer gastrocnemius, turn your foot inside or outward

5. Leg Press Calf Raise

Leg Press Calf Raise

For those who are too busy to set up all the equipment, using the leg press is a simple solution. Just add one or two plates to the leg press and start working. This is how:

  • Your heels should dangle off the edge of the platform as you place your feet’s balls there
  • Legs should remain straight (you can have a slight bend in the knees)
  • Slowly lower the platform while maintaining a deep stretch for 3–4 seconds
  • Lift your heels and squeeze for two to three seconds at the top after pushing into the plates
  • To engage the inner or outer gastrocnemius, turn your foot inside or outward

6. Leg Press Calf Raise Machine

The finest machine for working the soleus muscle is the seated calf raise machine. As the cushion and platform sandwich your lower legs, it is best to load your calves while your legs are bent. This is how you do it:

  • Put the pad firmly on your thighs and the balls of your feet on the platform’s edge. They shouldn’t be movable in any direction
  • In order to disconnect the safety, lift your heels
  • Lower your heels gradually and maintain the deep stretch for 3 to 4 seconds
  • Then lift your heels and squeeze for two to three seconds at the top of the platform

7. Seated Dumbbell Calf Raise

If you lack a seated calf raise machine, you can try this alternative. Since you must do each leg separately, it takes more time but is worthwhile. This is how you do it:

  • A bench should have a stack of plates in front of it so that when you sit on the bench with your foot on the plates, your knee will be at a 90° angle
  • Holding a dumbbell at the knee, place it on your thigh
  • Lower your heels gradually and maintain the deep stretch for 3 to 4 seconds
  • Push into the platform, lift your heels, and squeeze for two to three seconds at the top

Tips on Getting Bigger Calves

Other than performing the exercises we listed above, there are other useful tips we have to offer to help you get bigger calves. Although exercising is a crucial element if you want to grow your calves quickly, there are other things you should take into consideration as well.

That way, you will speed the process up as much as possible and won’t have to wait for months to see the desired results. Take a look at the list below to see what these useful tips are:

1. Training Barefoot

Training Barefoot

Calf muscles are more effectively activated when calf raises are performed barefoot. The workout has a broader range of motion and improved mobility when done without shoes.

Although shoes are made to protect and keep our feet warm, when we exercise, they act more like equipment and take part of the strain off the calf muscles. Ask if barefoot exercise is permitted if you work out at a gym. The alternative is to wear barefoot shoes if it is not.

When performing calf raises without shoes, the calves are used as nature intended. It results in a larger range of motion, increased ankle joint mobility, and the ability to extend your toes farther apart. All of this makes contracting the calf muscles simpler.

2. Tiptoeing


Walk around on your tiptoes instead of your flat feet whenever possible. Ballet dancers have strong calves because of this. Tiptoe walking activates your calf muscles, such as the superficial, heart-shaped gastrocnemius and its companion, the deeper-lying soleus, by using your own body weight as resistance. A lower leg that is more shaped, has greater ankle stability, and has more power results from having bigger, stronger calves.

3. Focusing on Volume

The calf muscles are infamously difficult to develop. In actuality, they are operating nonstop throughout the day to support your body weight as you walk, stand, and walk up and down stairs. They often conduct low-load labor, so they are accustomed to it.

You need to put the calves under even more stress than they do on a daily basis in order to encourage growth. That entails performing several sets and reps over the course of a week. The calf muscles can endure being worked out 4-5 times per week, unlike other muscle groups. And frequently, they require this in order to develop.


Before returning to your regular exercise routine, attempt to exercise your calves every day for the first 2-4 weeks. Use 4-6 sets each session, and switch up your calf exercises every day. Growing large calves is no simple task. It requires patience, tenacity, and consistency.

It may not be fun doing it and following your routine every single day. However, it will be worthwhile when you see your calves growing and looking exactly how you wanted them to.

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