
Is Turkey Sausage Healthy?

Turkey Sausage Health Benefits

Turkey sausage has recently become very popular as a healthier alternative to traditional pork sausage. Aside from being a great source of protein, it is also delicious and can be prepared in various ways. So, is turkey sausage healthy? Read on if you want to find out more about this topic.

Now the answer to this subject is not quite straightforward. Turkey sausages have various nutritional aspects, being high in protein and low in fat. They also grant plenty of energy to start your day, so they are an excellent breakfast meal. However, there are different sides to this, and we are about to discuss them in detail, so without any delay, let us get started.


How Is Turkey Sausage Made?

how is Turkey Sausage made

Turkey sausages are made by mixing ground turkey meat with a mixture of different spices. The meat gets fed into a meat grinder, after which you add spices according to your taste. All of this gets filled into the sausage casing and left to cure for a while.

Is It Healthy?

Absolutely. Turkey sausage is healthy meat and can be part of highly nutritive meals. These sausages are low in calories and trans fats while maintaining a decent chunk of protein and essential vitamins and minerals. Moreover, they are incredibly tasty and can be made with various spices and eaten in different combinations.

In addition, they also contain less cholesterol and saturated fat than other sausage types. However, if you are scrupulous about sodium intake, it is worth mentioning that even the healthiest turkey sausages are very rich in sodium. With that said, making them a part of your daily diet can be troublesome.

Nutritional Content of Turkey Sausage

Turkey Sausage

In order to get a better understanding of what turkey sausages deliver in terms of nutritional value, we need to explore their content further. In the section below, you will find some extra information about what exactly is in these sausages.

Calories and Protein

A turkey sausage of 100 g contains 196 calories, which is almost half of a traditional pork sausage’s 339 calories. It is also important to point out that about half of turkey sausage portion comes from protein, to be precise, 23.9 g.


The other half of the calories in turkey sausage contains fat, which, when compared to pork sausage, is almost three times less. Turkey sausage also has much lower saturated fat, and since this fat can contribute to the plaque on artery walls, it is a far better nutritional choice than other sausages.


Turkey sausage is somewhat low in sodium and contains 665 mg, and given the fact that recommended daily intake of sodium is 2.300 mg, one serving is safe enough. Even though sodium is necessary for proper nerve and muscle functions, too much of it can lead to various health issues, including blood pressure.


Alongside sodium, turkey sausages contain various other minerals, including phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. When compared to other types of sausages, turkey ones contain a significant amount of all these minerals that can be large contributors to overall health and well-being.


Turkey sausage is low in vitamin C and all of the fat-soluble vitamins, but it contains larger amounts of B vitamins. One serving of this sausage delivers more than 50% of the DRI of B-12, more than 30% of niacin, and more than 20% of B-6 pantothenic acid and riboflavin.

Preservatives and Artificial Flavors in Turkey Sausages

Turkey Sausage Artificial Flavors

Another important thing to mention about turkey sausages is the presence of preservatives in some branded types. These preservatives are generally used to preserve the freshness of the food, but some of them can have adverse effects on your body.

If you are buying branded turkey sausages and not from a trusted source that makes sausages using all-natural ingredients, make sure to check if you are buying a product with safe preservatives.

You should also be watchful of artificial flavoring. Not all manufacturers use artificial flavoring to improve the taste, so again, you should do your research before committing to a certain brand because some of the chemicals used to give color and flavor can be harmful to your body.

Bottom Line

So, is turkey sausage healthy? Compared to pork sausage, it absolutely is. It is lower in calories and saturated fat, but it also manages to retain that precious protein content you want to have in your nutrition. These sausages are a convenient food to add to your breakfast or launch to get some extra energy and protein without packing those extra calories.

However, if you struggle to control your sodium intake, you should consider how much you consume daily. It all really comes down to your diet and how much you are willing to sacrifice daily to consume this delicious food. Always check the ingredients list, and you should be perfectly fine.

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