
How Long to Lose 50 Pounds With Eating Healthy Food & Avoiding Bad Lifestyle – 2024 Guide

How Long to Lose 50 Pounds with eating healthy food

In this article, you will find the basic ideas of how long to lose 50 pounds. There are times when we feel a compelling need to lose weight.

It comes with a strong feeling that we look for many ways to lose weight by all means.

Often, the most challenging part of losing weight is not getting a routine to follow through but getting started. The struggle of starting is as intense as the actual losing of weight itself.

You should be able to try to create the zeal and the push by yourself so that you can be sure that you will continue.

Motivation is always fundamental. In this article, we have provided details to encourage you to lose weight.



Learn How Long to Lose 50 Pounds

Midss’s experts indicate that the amount of time it takes to lose weight is relative, as there are not any fast and laborious process that guarantees a fixed period under which pressure can be lost.

The truth, however, is that with dedication and determination to remain on the weight loss path, you can achieve amazing results.

Ideally, many people think that losing 2 to 3 pounds every week is not so bad. Some dietitians believe that this is a steady rate that people should follow to make sure they can reach their desired target.

With this approach, you will be able to lose 50 pounds or even more. Having the calculations appropriately done, this would mean that you will lose about 50 pounds or more within 25 weeks.

Or to put a more rounded figure, this would mean in almost six months. All you need to be consistent and you will be on your way to a successful weight loss story.

When you plan on losing weight, you should be well aware that to lose a pound of fat; you will need to cut down on your calories by over 3500.

So, if you have a diet plan or a weight loss plan, you should be looking into losing about 1000 calories per day and at the end of one week, you would have lost 7000 calories which equals 2 pounds.

This is a kind of rule you can apply to your weight loss program. The only problem we might be faced with is if you are anxious and impatient.

You can step your game up, and burn over 7000 calories per week. The more effort you are willing to put into it, the better and faster you can lose weight, but this is not medically advisable.

How Many Calories to Take For a Man

Many men who are burdened by the need to burn their calories have been asking the number of calories they need to burn to lose weight.

This section of this article will be providing answers to the question of how many calories men need to take to lose weight.

According to the American Agriculture department, everyone has different calorie requirements depending on their sex, activity, weight, and even age.

And to this end, the Agriculture Department has also made clear that to lose weight, it simply means you need to burn more calories and gain back very little.

According to the findings and research work made, the agreement on the amount of weight that should be lost is a pound or two every week.

In essence, the number of calories you should take as a man should reduce by 3500 every week if you are looking to lose 1 pound, or double the amount if you are looking to lose 2 pounds.

To make things a bit clearer, men who are 19 to 30 only need to eat between 2600 to 2800 calories every day.

On the other hand, active males need to take about 3000 calories every day. To this end, if you are planning on losing weight, you have to reduce your calorie intake by 1000 or 500 every day.


How Many Calories to Take For Women

Without beating around the bush, we would like to establish the facts for the number of calories women need to take.

Just as in the case of men, women also need to reduce their food intake by the same amount of calories stipulated for men.

So that means you have to cut it by 500 calories every day if you are looking at losing a pound each week, and you 1000 calories if you want to lose 2 pounds each week.

Diet chart one should take

When it comes to losing weight, one thing that can help you apart from the exercises you do is to factor in a fantastic diet plan you will follow.

Eating decent and healthy food is one of the best ways to conquer fat.

The truth is that with your mind made up; it should not be a difficult task for you to go on a diet for about 4 to 6 months and lose 50 or more pounds.

You need to realize that consistency is crucial in dieting, and it’s not about trying to change your life all at once, you should start with a few areas and then make significant changes.

When you want to make changes to your eating habits, make sure you get rid of unhealthy food options and add nutritious and healthy food options.

Before we delve into the chart on the diet chart you should take, here are some things worthy of note.

  • Vegetables should be top of the list for you. When you need to eat, try to make vegetables take the more significant portion.
  • Water, more water and even more water, you can’t have enough water during this weight loss program.
  • Anything that has alcohol should either be reduced or should not be taken at all. You should also try to reduce your intake of things with sugar as much as you can.
  • Then you need to incorporate lean protein into your diet. By lean protein we mean, lentils, fish, beans and the likes.
  • You also need to slow down on the intake of canned and processed food as they contain additives that do not support weight loss.
  • Finally, do not take food items that have a high-fat content. Reduce the way you also make oils and dressings on food.

For the diet chart to use, we have gotten a routine for you to apply your mind to. The only thing you have to do is to make sure you stick to this plan religiously, and you will get to the desired weight loss goal.

For breakfast

Breakfast is no doubt the most important meal of the day, and you need the right start for the day. So you will be needing

Vegetables and an omelet of egg white. Add some dry toast to this equation too.

You can also add an option of what pancake with toppings of berries.

Take non-fat milk with your low sugar cereal, be sure to add berries to the equation too.

Let’s not forget the dry wheat toast, hardboiled egg, and half a banana.

Mid-day Snack

The idea behind your mid-day snack is to make sure you don’t get hungry during this process and still eat healthily.

Hunger has its role in helping you gain more weight, so keep your guts busy while you work on your weight. You can have things like,

  • Banana
  • If you didn’t take eggs during your breakfast, then you are free to make hardboiled eggs here.
  • Cheese that has low fat.
  • Fruit salad has taken together with a yogurt labeled to have no fat.


Your lunch has got to be in a light mode.

  • You can have vegetables and salmon and a vinaigrette that has no fat.
  • Low-fat vegetable soup with half of the sandwich made with turkey.
  • Try yellow mustard with whole wheat bread and vegetable sandwich grilled.

Snack After Lunch

  • Just a tablespoon of peanut butter with an apple.
  • Vegetables should be taken raw, and you can add hummus too.


Dinner should be taken on a light note. Nothing serious or too heavy, so your body doesn’t have to go through heavy metabolism.

You can take lean protein like fish with vegetables.

Vegetables can also be taken with a mixed green salad, and you can add another lean protein like chicken in it.


For dessert, you can take good fruits or non-fat yogurt.



For Weight Loss

We will be starting with the advantages of losing weight. There are not so many pros to losing weight because we already know that the goal is set on making sure weight is lost.

But for the sake of providing useful information, here are some of the pros of weight loss.

  • You get to lose weight
  • Your cholesterol level will drastically go down.
  • You will no longer have to worry with regards to any fat-related diseases.

For Not Losing Weight

As much as you think, not losing weight seems like a disadvantage, it has its advantages.

  • The first and most glaring advantage is that you continue with your eating habits and you can what eat pretty much anything you like.
  • You can eat any time, anything and not worry about health issues even when you know they are bound to come.
  • For those who like to use food as a way to ease their tension or to feel good after an emotional breakdown can continue to eat to regain stability.
  • You are also entitled to eat any time of the day, and at any restaurant of your choice.


For Weight Loss

Here are some of the disadvantages you will experience during this weight loss program. They are minor things, but they become obstacles when your mind is not made up.

  • You will need to study about various types of food and find the one that matches your taste but still helps you lose weight.
  • You cannot stick to your favorite food anymore, the one you used to love.
  • You will not be able to use food as an escape for emotional imbalance.
  • For this journey of losing weight, you might face different forms of problems from family and friends who will criticize you for your new habits.

For Not Losing Weight

Here are some of the cons of not losing weight.

  • You will have health problems at the end of the day — major ones to be precisely such as heart attack, stroke, cancer diabetes, and the likes.
  • After you lose weight, it might be a difficult task to maintain the lost weight.
  • You stand at risk of having high cholesterol.
  • If you are a diabetic patient, you will find it hard to control your blood sugar level.

What to eat and not

Since one of the best methods to lose weight is through the adoption of a Keto plan, we would be listing the types of food to eat and the ones to avoid.

Types of food to eat

Below are some of the food items you can eat during your weight loss exercise. They are not limited to these alone, but you can also see your doctor to know what else is approved or should not be taken if you have medical issues.

  • Meat
  • Poultry
  • Nut butter
  • Fatty fish
  • Healthy fats
  • Avocados
  • Seeds and Nuts
  • Vegetables
  • Mixed green
  • Whole wheat
  • Dry toast
  • Vegetables without starch
  • Nonfat cheese
  • Nonfat dairy products
  • Egg

Types of food to avoid

Here is a list of some of the types of food you are expected to stop eating to make your efforts worth it during this weight loss period.

  • Starchy food items
  • Alcohol
  • Sweetened food items
  • Starchy vegetables
  • Sweets and pastry
  • Legumes
  • Grains
  • Grain products and cereal


Conclusively, it is not so much of a hard task to take on the challenge of losing weight. It is something a lot of people have committed themselves to, and many beautiful success stories have come out of that process.

You can equally have your own success story if you commit yourself to lose weight and come up with an ideal plan that suits your lifestyle.

We have provided you with enough information to make you take the choice to decide what you want, this way you will be fully convinced that not losing weight is only a matter of choice, and not because you do not have the understanding.

We wish you good luck as you take up this weight loss challenge.

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